Digital Retina Imaging

This technology allows optometrists to view the back of the eye in extraordinary detail. We can see the development of many eye diseases when they are in their infancy. The high resolution camera makes it easy to diagnose many eye diseases including glaucoma, age related macular degeneration, retinal tears and detachments.

Retinal photography is also effective for detecting other diseases. Often we can see signs of high blood pressure or diabetes before they are even on our patients radar. When it comes to eye diseases, early detection and treatment is key. It provides a more thorough and permanent record of the health of your eyes for future comparisons.

OCT imaging

This technology allows optometrists to view the back of the eye in extraordinary detail. We can see the development of many eye diseases when they are in their infancy. The high resolution camera makes it easy to diagnose many eye diseases including glaucoma, age related macular degeneration, retinal tears and detachments.

Retinal photography is also effective for detecting other diseases. Often we can see signs of high blood pressure or diabetes before they are even on our patients radar. When it comes to eye diseases, early detection and treatment is key. It provides a more thorough and permanent record of the health of your eyes for future comparisons.